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Before Acting 1: Building the Basics

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8 weeks later

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2025 Regular Spring Session

Mar 29 - May 18

Early Registration - Save 10%

Feb 3 - Feb 9

Acting 1
Acting Technique I
Mar 24 - May 12
7 pm - 9 pm
Acting 1
Acting 1 Bundle (Standard)
Mons. and/or Sats.)
Mar 24 - May 12
Includes 3 classes
Acting 1
Acting Technique I (Daytime)
Mar 25 - May 13
11 am - 1 pm
Acting 2
Acting Technique II
Mar 25 - May 13
7 pm - 9 pm
Acting 1
Acting 1 Bundle (Daytime)
Daytime Classes Only
Mar 25 - May 13
Includes 3 day classes
Acting 1
Voice for the Actor (Daytime)
Mar 26 - May 14
11 am - 12:30 pm
Acting 1
Audition Technique (Daytime)
Mar 26 - May 14
12:30 pm - 2 pm
Acting 1
Intro to Acting: The Fundamentals
Mar 27 - May 15
11 am - 12:30 pm
Acting 3
Acting Technique III: Intro to Scene Study
Mar 27 - May 15
7:30 - 9:30
Acting 1
Voice for the Actor
Mar 29 - May 17
11 am - 12:30 pm
Acting 1
Audition Technique
Mar 29 - May 17
12:30 pm - 2 pm
Acting 1
Acting Technique I
Mar 29 - May 17
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Acting 2
Voice for the Actor II: Using Text
Mar 30 - May 18
11 am - 12:30 pm
Acting 2
Character Development
Mar 30 - May 18
12:30 pm - 2 pm
Acting 3
Adv. Acting Technique: Connecting to Text
Mar 30 - May 18
2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Acting 1 Bundle Includes:

Acting Technique I

Aucition Technique

Voice for the Actor

Acting Bundles


Acting 1 Bundle (Daytime) Includes:

Acting Technique I (Daytime)

Aucition Technique (Daytime)

Voice for the Actor (Daytime)


Intro to Acting:
the Fundamentals

This class focuses on the fundamentals of acting not principles or techniques of acting. The fundamentals of acting include: stage directions, terminology, how to score a script, how to create a monologue or rehearsal book, and acting games. Monologue work begins in Acting 1: Building the BasicsYou do not need to take this class in order to take Acting 1.

Acting 1 Bundle

The Acting 1 bundle includes three classes at a reduced price when registering for all three at once. The bundle includes Acting 1, Audition Technique, and Voice for the Actor at a reduced cost when registering for all three class at the same time.










Voice for the Actor II:
(Using Text)

Using the building blocks of voice from VftA I, students will now use text and continue to strengthen their vocal skills using the exercises they learned in the previous class. 


This can be part of the Acting 2 bundle.






Sense Memory

Hone your acting skills further with this advanced acting class focusing on using the senses to create physical and emotional responses. Students will increase their focus, imagination, and harness the ability to add texture and depth to their acting to create believable and honest emotional responses. Also helps in creating invisible objects realistically when miming.


You must have completed Acting 1 and 2 to register for this class.


Acting Intensives

During the 9 weeks, students will be exposed to classes with a conservatory-like schedule during the week and rehearse a production or Scene Study on the weekends.


The winter intensive focuses on Scene Study.


The summer intensive focuses on a full-length production.  




Acting Technique I: Building the Basics

This is the next step after Intro to Acting. Students will learn to apply the basic principles of Intention, Obstacle, and Tactic while working on a monologue. Other topics in class include beats, pauses, emotional tones and levels, given circumstances, and stakes. At the end of the 8 weeks, students will perform their pieces.



Acting Technique II:
Adding to the Basics

Students will work on the monologues from Acting 1 for the first two weeks while preparing a new monologue for the class. Principles and techniques covered in this class include: Subtext, Status, Using the Magic If, Inner Monologues, and Relationship.


This is included in the Acting 2 bundle.





Voice and Speech

Students will learn the foundation of the International Phonetic Alphabet (I.P.A.) and apply it to understand the basics of producing the sounds needed for the various dialects including British, Cockney, and Irish.


This can be part of the Acting 2 bundle.







Acting Technique IV:
Adv. Scene Study

For the actor who wants to develop their acting skills working with other actors, this class focuses on two-person scene work. You must have completed Acting Technique I, II, and III or have comparable experience to register for this class.







Voice-Over with Wendy Zier

This class will give you the tips and tools needed to get started in the exciting world of voice-over.


Topics covered in class include: how to breakdown a script, finding your voice, getting into the business, working in front of a mic, and 1-on-1 in-class coaching.


Wendy Zier has over 25 years experience in the business (Disney, Hasbro, Blue Cross)

Audition Technique

From first contact to the final call back, learn the proper and professional way to audition and make a great first and lasting impression. A must for any actor. This class focuses on stage auditions and commercial auditions. This is a lecture based class. Students must have a prepared monologue or in the process of learning one for this class.​



Character Development

Using techniques such as animal work, observation, movement, voice, and a few advanced acting exercises, students will explore creating a character from a non-fictional, non-living person and bringing them to life. Students will present their character in a 15-minute private moment on the final night. This is a great class to stretch yourself as an actor.


This is included in the Acting 2 bundle.


Acting 2 Bundle

The Acting 2 includes three classes at a reduced price when registering for all three at once. This bundle includes includes Acting 2, Speech and Dialects,  and Character Development at a reduced cost when registering for all three class at the same time.


Acting classes in the bundle must be taken on the day the bundle is offered. Classes cannot be switched out for the individual class offered on a different day.



Advanced Acting Technique I: Connecting to Text

This class gives the actor the opportunity to hone their craft and explore monologues and scenes through exploration of text through analysis and exercises.  Students bring in their own work.  




Master Classes
Professional Development

These are the winter and summer classes that may be offered during the regular sessions.



Styles of Performance

Script Analysis



On-Camera Technique I: Auditions

On-Camera Technique I: Acting

Stage Combat


Visit the Master Classes page for descriptions of these classes.

Voice for
the Actor

Acquire the skills to produce sound properly for stage and screen. Learn how to use the full range of your voice with exercises and text. Breath, sound, placement, and pitch will be explored in this class. This is included in the Acting 1 bundle.​​​





Script Analysis

Become a better script detective with our Script Analysis class. Students will gain a deeper understanding of story structure by identifying character traits including archetypes and stereotypes, arcs, subtext, and theme. The class will conclude with students performing an audition using sides provided and the skills learned throughout the class.






Acting Technique III:
Beyond the Basics
(Intro to Scene Study)

This advanced class focuses on justifying the emotion,  voice, and actions of your character as well as introduces the elements of scene work and how to find movement and blocking using text and character. Students will use a pre-existing monologue in their repertoire to work on while exploring action. Scenes will be chosen by the instructor.​

Advanced Acting Technique II: Monologue and Scene work

This advanced acting class focuses on monologue and scene work and will give the actor the opportunity to work on multiple small scenes  throughout the 8-week class. Students will also get to work with different actors to hone their partnering skills.​​​​



Classes held at:


Mondays (Nights only)

Starbright Youth Theatre - 5209 Oak Park Rd.

Raleigh, NC


Monday (Days only), Tuesdays - Sundays

Raleigh ACT - 7319 Six Forks Rd.

Raleigh, NC



Phone: (917) 805-8169

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